The 100% Natural Weight Loss Solution
Pure from Mother Nature
Easy and Convenient

Lose Weight the GR2 Way!

All of us want to lose weight some time during our lives.  Usually most are demotivated before they even start because it is such hard work to lose weight.  NOT WITH GR2!

GNLD International introduced the GR2 Weight Loss Programme and since then weight loss is something to fall in love with.  No hunger pains, no mood swings and no cravings BUT long lasting natural energy and stable GI levels for up to 6 hours!  How is that for weight loss success?!  You see, weight loss is now easy and fun with GR2.

Researchers worked for almost three years to streamline and complete this fantastic weight loss solution.  They established that it actually does stop the insulin spike that causes all the bad stuff that normally comes with weight loss (as mentioned above).  This programme actually does control the glycemic response in your system with the proper foods that are on the “Enjoy & Avoid” list.  No strict weight loss recipies – all you have to do is to enjoy the foods listed in the Enjoy & Avoid booklet and avoid those that need to be avoided.  Easy as that!  If you eat to much sugar the insulin will shut off thermogenisis (the process that controls your body’s heating) at the top side and if you get too little and you go low on sugar, your Thyroid will shut off thermogenisis on the bottom side.

Thermogenisis is keeping your body cells heated and if you work thermogenesis correctly 24 hours a day you’ll burn about 2,400 calories which means you can eat a lot of food!  2,400 calories is a lot of food and if thermogenisis is working for you, you can have a great diet and no problem!  This is the GR2 goal:  to stay in the zone where thermogenesis is in fact happening.

Let’s take a look at the biology behind sugar…

The average persons diet is loaded with sugar (direct and hidden in foods breaking off as sugar).  This causes the sugar level going out of control and up to where the Pancreas has to wake up and hit some insulin into the blood stream.  This insulin spike “shouts out” a message, “there’s too much energy in here, clear the blood stream”.

This causes the hormone activity to tell all other glucose to convert to fat and store.  This clears your system of all energy and all of a sudden your sugar level takes a dump right down below normal levels and then you’re feeling week and hungry.  This is called the glycemic  roller-coaster.  Now you understand why it is of great importance to keep the sugar levels stable.

This is the insulin trap your must stay out of.  The Glycemic Response squared (GR2) – GR2Control weight loss programme – overcomes this whole difficulty.  Now we’re back to our goal again and this is the control zone.  If you can stay in the control zone, our GR2Control weight loss programme absolutely supports you to be in thermogenesis 24 hours a day and the weight disappears.  You do not get hungry and you do not get a headache or become tired.  You will be shocked at how wonderful this programme works and how fantastic it will make you feel!

Health Benefits…

Let’s take a look at what the explosion of health benefits are.  The first benefit is of course reduced risk of heart disease and the second is that of eliminating diabetes.  Other health benefits are natural energy that lasts…and lasts…and lasts…, better fitness because you will actually feel like doing something, better sleep at night, better self-esteem and lower stress levels.  Yes, GR2 will actually help your body to better function and get rid of stress because it is fed well, feeling more healthy and functioning better.  Also, with the healthier lifestyle you are changing into you will cut drastically on cancer risks and if you already have cancer your body will be more able to fight the cancer cells too.

The Products…

The products start off with your Meal Replacement Shake.  Here we have both Vanilla and Chocolate flavoured protein and they not only taste fantastic, they really replace a meal, is the most comparable and the best mixing.  This is best value for money.  When mixed in water you get 18 g of protein and mixed in milk you get as much as 26 g.  It contains all 22 Amino Acids and it has a vitamin and mineral core in it which gives you the basis for nutrition.  You can take the Meal Replacement shake for the vitamin and mineral core only and of course if you eat your full meal and then take the protein on top of it you will not lose weight.  It is not a diet if you take it after your meal.  It is only a diet if you take it as a meal replacement!  It also has 2 g of fibre per serving.  The Meal Replacement Shake are taken twice a day with one full meal once a day from the Enjoy & Avoid Booklet foods that can be enjoyed.

The second product in the programme is the Appetite Reducer which also is fibre.  Thus you see that you’re going to get enough fibre to take care of the elimination problems.  The Appetite Reducer is a special fibre from Konjac.  Konjac is a glucomannan.

The Termogenic Enhancer is really effective.  First of all it works for the conversion of carbohydrates and stored fat.  It works on the tongue to make sugar actually tastes bitter and therefore you won’t want to eat it.  It eliminates toxins and most of all, it keeps your body from going into Ketosis.  Thermogenic Enhancer picks up the waste and eliminates it from your body – safe, no toxic effect and no bad breath.

Let’s look at how to use GR2

About half an hour before breakfast you take 2 Appetite Reducers and 1 Thermogenic Enhancer.  You replace breakfast with the Meal Replacement shake.  That’s your breakfast.  Mid morning you have a mini meal (e.g. nice slice of whole-wheat bread a little mustard and a layer of mayo.  Then you add a layer of cheese and a couple of slices turkey or chicken and finish off with another whole-wheat slice on top)

Again, half an hour before lunch you take the 2 Appetite Reducers and 1 Thermogenic Enhancer en either have your daily meal or take another Meal Replacement shake.  Late afternoon you have a mini meal again from foods in the Enjoy & Avoid booklet.

Once again, half an hour before dinner you take the 2 Appetite Reducers and 1 Thermogenic Enhancer and either have your daily meal or Meal Replacement shake.  If you eat your main meal in the afternoon, take the shake at night or vice verse.  Remember not to eat too late if you take your main meal for dinner.  Give your body at least three hours to digest your meal before going to bed.

If you add Ami-tone to your weight loss programme, take 3 tablets at least 3 hours after your evening meal (dinner/shake) or before bed time with a glass of water.  Ami-tone will help to tone your body and it actually helps the cells get rid of fat.  Add to this programme Chelated Zinc and have absolutely no problem with jellylike muscles and loose skin.  REMEMBER:  the ultimate tip for weight loss is drinking lots of water (1.5-2L/day) to help the body eliminate (literally “flush out”) the fat and overweight toxins from the body…and get some exercise!!!

“How much will I lose on this programme”, you may wonder.  Well, one must not lose too much in a week because then your body will go into shock.  On this programme it is healthful to lose around 3 kg's in one week.  The packaging is enough to last you 14 days, therefore about 6 kg's.  Plan ahead and stock up on your products to make sure you do not break the cycle.  Decide how much weight you want to lose and divide it by 3 to see approximately how many weeks you need to diet.  Remember that the packaging is enough for two weeks, so divide your first answer by 2 to see how many packages you will need.

Example:  You want to lose 12 kg's.  Divide 12 kg by 3 kg/week to see how many weeks you need to diet.  Thus 4 weeks.  The packaging is enough for 2 weeks therefore you will need 2 packages.  Remember that people respond differently to weight loss therefore the numbers given are an estimate based on average weight loss throughout the whole spectrum of society.

I believe you are sitting on the edge of you chair right now because you urgently want to get this fantastic products in your hand!  Your agent (click on agent) will give you more information and the different price options.

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